Not at all. CoverStaff gives you the flexibility to work with whichever schools, whenever you like. Set your preferred schools, set your availability, find work that works for you.
Not at all. CoverStaff gives you the flexibility to work with whichever schools, whenever you like. Set your preferred schools, set your availability, find work that works for you.
Simply login and update your details at your own convenience. Profile changes will be visible straight away but won't affect your vetting status, availability or any existing bookings.
CoverStaff is available across the UK. Once you have registered as a candidate we'll let you know as each new school, trust, college and local authority signs up in your chosen areas so you won't miss a beat.
CoverStaff includes the school's contact details so you can contact the booking manager directly and get your answers asap.
CoverStaff allows you to challenge any bookings or payroll discrepancies directly through the site. You'll be notified of any update to the discrepancy as soon as it is available in the system.
CoverStaff is free to candidates. Our aim is to connect the best educators in the UK directly with the schools that need them, enabling schools to succeed and bringing flexibility and control to you as educators.
The vetting process requires you to submit essential documents and information that needs to be verified. Once all these checks are successfully passed, your profile will be marked as “Live”. This status allows schools in the pool to connect with you and provides you with the ability to discover new booking opportunities.
"Live pools" will show schools where you've passed all vetting checks. You can see a list of available schools in your preferred area within these pools.
Processing pools are pools where you have not yet been made “Live”. Your profile status will either show "New," "Pending," or "Archived.
If there are no schools available in your area, try expanding the radius that you’re willing to travel too. Go to your profile to expand your preferred travel distance.
If you’re profile has changed to “Pending” status, this means that one or more of your checks may have expired. Please go back to your vetting page and see which check is no longer in the “Passed” status.
"Available schools" are all the schools in your current location that you can access within your preferred travel distance. "Total schools" include all schools in the pool, even those outside your preferred travel distance.
Pending - Indicates that you either have not completed a check, or the checks you completed have not yet been submitted
In progress - All mandatory information has been completed and submitted to the vetting pool owner
Expired - A completed check has expired
Failed - A submitted check has failed
Passed - A submitted check has passed the vetting process
New - Indicates that you have recently registered and have not yet initiated the vetting process
Pending - Your completed checks are currently being vetted or you have newly expired checks
Live - Indicates that all your vetting checks have passed, and you are available for bookings
Archived - If you’ve been inactive for a certain number of days, your profile will be archived